Link or QrCode

After uploading the file it will genreate a link as well as QR Code.You can Share the link or QR code with your clients, friends or any other person. You can also copy the link by cliking on copy button along the link.

Share App

You can use the app feature to sent email and it’s content along with App download Link and QR Code. For this: click on ‘More Options…’ link comes below the ‘Upload your App’ panel and enter email id and email content and hit Send.

Features and Services

HostYourAPP works for iOS 4+ and Android 2+ apps and devices: development, ad-hoc and in-house builds can be installed wirelessly with a single tap.

As a developer, simply drag & drop your ipa or apk and get a link to download APP directly in your can also scan the link using QR Code.

Using this link on their mobile device's browser, users will be able to download and install the app with just a single tap, nothing else.

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